
to 2 November 2024

New York, NY, 美國
General, Exhibitions

Tall Timber: The Future of Cities in Wood  

Man-made climate change – caused by more than a century of burning fossil fuels and releasing CO₂ into the atmosphere ­– threatens our cities and our collective future. Wood, one of humanity’s oldest construction materials, offers a path to a more...

to 3 November 2024

Berlin, 德国

Zweifach war des Bauens Lust I Der Architekt Wolf R. Eisentraut  

Der Architekt Prof. Dr. Wolf R. Eisentraut (BDA) begeht am 1. Dezember seinen 80. Geburtstag. Die neue Ausstellung des Bezirksmuseums Marzahn-Hellersdorf widmet sich aus diesem Anlass seinem Leben und Werk. Sein „zweifaches“ Architektenleben, in der...

5 November 2024

Berlin, 德国

belektro 2024 | DIALOG HOCH 5  

Lust auf Licht und zirkuläres BauenEinen wichtigen Beitrag, um Antworten auf den fortschreitenden Klimawandel zu finden, kann und muss der Bausektor liefern. Besonders beim Umgang mit Energie. Gewinnung, Steuerung und Verbrauch von Energie am und im...

5 November 2024

Berlin, 德国

Symposium »Zukunftsfähig beleuchten 2024« der LiTG  

Die Fragestellungen des Symposiums lauten: Wie können der Schutz von Umwelt, Biodiversität und Nacht-Dunkelheit einerseits und funktionales, ästhetisches Beleuchten andererseits bestmöglich vereinbart werden? Wie können die Produkte der...

10 October to 6 November 2024

New York, NY, 美國
General, Exhibitions

UMBAU. Nonstop Transformation  

With UMBAU. Nonstop Transformation, gmp has been presenting the practice's approach to building conversions through specific case studies since last year. In October 2024, the traveling exhibition will be on display at Goethe-Institut in New York and...

5 November to 7 November 2024

Mendrisio, 瑞士
Events, Lectures, Fairs + Conferences

Making the Past Productive: The Future of Construction 2024 Symposium  

The Future of Construction Symposium series was initiated in 2022 at ETH Zurich, by PhD and Postdoctoral Researchers from the departments of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, as a platform to discuss construction robotics and...

5 November to 7 November 2024

Berlin, 德国
Fairs + Conferences

belektro 2024  

Informativ, innovativ, relevant – Gewerkeübergreifende und vernetzte Gebäudetechnik ist mit der Schlüssel für eine gelingende Energiewende. Die belektro, als Fachmesse für Elektro-, Digital- und Gebäudetechnik, zeigt sich in ihrem 40. Jahr so vernetzt...

6 November to 7 November 2024

Berlin, 德国
Fairs + Conferences

Architect@Work 2024 – Berlin  

Am 6. und 7. November öffnen die Tore der Architect@Work an der Station Berlin. World-Architects präsentiert eine Projektausstellung und eine Fotokollektion. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Architect@Work organisiert und moderiert German-Architects zwei...

12 November 2024

Online Event
Events, Lectures

Modern Chinese Architecture: 180 Years  

This is a virtual program — online only.Modern Chinese Architecture: 180 Years tells the story of the transformation of Chinese architecture from a traditional timber-frame, single-story building system with ceramic tile roofs of anonymous craftsmen to...

14 November 2024

Kirchhain, 德国

»Schule als offene Struktur?« Konferenz  

Die Trans­for­ma­ti­on von einer Industriegesellschaft zu einer Wissensgesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert unterliegt einem stetigen Wandel. Wie können in Zeiten einer pluralistischen Gesellschaft Teilhabe und Bildungsgerechtigkeit gewährleistet werden und...

to 16 November 2024

London, Great Britain
General, Exhibitions

Zaha Hadid: Paper Museums  

The Zaha Hadid Foundation’s exhibition Zaha Hadid: Paper Museums showcases paper reliefs from its collection and their significance to Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA). The exhibition offers a rare insight into how paper reliefs were important to the...

20 November to 21 November 2024

Lausanne, 瑞士
Fairs + Conferences

Architect@Work 2024 – Lausanne  

After successful events in Zurich, the organizers of the international event Architect@Work have decided to launch a new edition for planners in French-speaking Switzerland. This first edition will therefore take place in Lausanne, in a favorable...

16 October to 29 November 2024

Stuttgart, 德国

Neue Freiheit – Suffizient Bauen  

Mit der Ausstellung »Neue Freiheit – suffizient Bauen« stellen Robi Wache Architekten stellen Fragen, die für die Zukunft wichtig sind: Wie können wir mit der gebauten Umwelt umgehen, und wie kann eine neue Vision einer nachhaltigen, zukunftsfähigen...

4 December 2024

Osnabrück, 德国

Zukunft Holzbau: Innovative Lösungen für nachhaltige Stadtquartiere – Symposium  

Die eintägige Veranstaltung zielt darauf ab, die Chancen des Holzbaus im Wohnungs- und Gewerbebau aufzuzeigen und die Ergebnisse in eine konkrete Umsetzung u.a. im Lok-Viertel zu überführen. Nach einem Impulsvortrag von Sabine Djahanschah von der...

4 December to 5 December 2024

Frankfurt am Main, 德国
Fairs + Conferences

Architect@Work 2024 – Frankfurt  

Am 4. und 5. Dezember öffnen die Tore der Architect@Work an der Messe Frankfurt. World-Architects präsentiert eine Projektausstellung und eine Fotokollektion. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Architect@Work organisiert und moderiert German-Architects zwei...

1 November to 7 December 2024

Berlin, 德国

PLANORAMA Landschaftsarchitektur »Love Stories«  

In der Ausstellung „Love Stories“ thematisiert PLANORAMA Landschaftsarchitektur die poetische Spannung zwischen Natur und Kultur sowie analoger Materialität und digitaler Repräsentation. Dafür hat das Büro eine den Galerieraum ausfüllende...

10 October to 8 December 2024

Frankfurt am Main, 德国

»Ganz große Oper – Viel mehr Theater« im DAM  

Wie werden Bühnen in der Zukunft aussehen? Welche Gestalt können diese zentralen Orte der kollektiven kulturellen Begegnung haben? Welche Angebote müssen Opernhäuser und Theater als Orte des öffentlichen Lebens in Zukunft bieten? Diese Fragen stellte...

to 14 December 2024

Campo Calabro, 意大利
Events, Exhibitions

La Biennale dello Stretto  

II Mostra Internazionale di Architettura, Arte, Antropologia, Paesaggio, Scrittura, Video, FotografiaLa seconda edizione de La Biennale dello Stretto sarà un capitolo culturale all’insegna della pluralità e della condivisione.Vale la pena soffermarsi...

to 15 December 2024

New Canaan, 美國
General, Exhibitions

Shigeru Ban: The Paper Log House  

Shigeru Ban: The Paper Log House at The Glass House marks the first time in six years that the innovative house will be on display in North America. In collaboration with The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture of The Cooper Union, 36 architecture...

to 16 December 2024

Princeton, 美國
General, Exhibitions

Drawing on Ideas  

DRAWING ON IDEAS—Architectural representation is often misunderstood as a precursor to building: images that illustrate the architect’s ideas before they are given physical manifestation or merely as a roadmap for the production of architecture. The 77...

28 October to 20 December 2024

Cambridge, MA, 美國
General, Exhibitions

Changing Climates  

“It is not the environment that shapes plants, but plants that shape the environment.” Charles Darwin“Life is a geological force that shapes the earth.” Vladimir VernadskyThe exhibition “Changing Climates” explores how built environments can be...

to 22 December 2024

Williamstown, MA, 美國
General, Exhibitions

SO – IL \ WCMA: Building a New Museum  

After years of thoughtful planning, the Williams College Museum of Art (WCMA) and Williams have partnered with SO – IL, an internationally-recognized architecture and design firm based in Brooklyn, New York, to create a new, state-of-the-art building...

to 30 December 2024

Chicago, IL, 美國
General, Exhibitions

Welcome to Tribuneville: An Imaginary Vision of an Old Chicago That Could Have Been  

MAS Context and 150 Media Stream are thrilled to co-present “Welcome to Tribuneville: An Imaginary Vision of an Old Chicago That Could Have Been” by architectural cartoonist Klaus.The hand-drawn animation, installed on 150 Media Stream’s giant media...

to 5 January 2025

Kowloon, 中国
General, Exhibitions

I. M. Pei: Life Is Architecture  

The first major retrospective of Ieoh Ming Pei (1917–2019), I. M. Pei: Life Is Architecture properly appraises for the first time the work of one of the greatest architects of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Pei’s high-profile projects were...

to 5 January 2025

New York, 美國
General, Exhibitions


Swiss Institute (SI) presents Energies, an international group exhibition that unfolds throughout the entire building at 38 St Marks Pl and expands into numerous partner locations in the surrounding East Village community. The exhibition includes...

to 5 January 2025

Helsinki, Finland
General, Exhibitions

FIX: Care and Repair  

In April 2024, the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum will be taken over by the themes of repair, maintenance, and cleaning. FIX: Care and Repair will be open at the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum from April 26th...

to 5 January 2025

Los Angeles, CA, 美國
General, Exhibitions

Material Acts: Experimentation in Architecture and Design  

Material Acts: Experimentation in Architecture and Design examines the role of nature as a starting point for material experimentation in the domains of architecture, craft, and science. While nature has often stood in as a model, metaphor, or resource...

to 6 January 2025

St. Louis, 美國
General, Exhibitions

Design Agendas: Modern Architecture in St. Louis, 1930s–1970s  

Design Agendas: Modern Architecture in St. Louis, 1930s–1970s is the first major exhibition to examine the complex connections in St. Louis among modern architecture, urban renewal, and racial and spatial change in the interlocking histories of New...

16 October 2024 to 12 January 2025

Brussels, 比利时
General, Exhibitions

Rotor. Entangled Matter  

This fall, A+ Architecture in Belgium and Bozar present the exhibition Entangled Matter. With this expo, Brussels-based collective Rotor explores the way building resources and raw materials circulate.  Rotor has been known for its work on...

to 12 January 2025

Milano, 意大利

Gae Aulenti (1927-2012)  

Un'ampia retrospettiva dedicata a Gae Aulenti (1927-2012), una delle figure più rappresentative dell’architettura e del design contemporanei. In oltre sessant’anni di carriera, la poliedrica progettista ha toccato numerosi ambiti: dal disegno a scala...

11 October 2024 to 12 January 2025

Berlin, 德国

View of the City: Vedute and Panoramas from the Albertina  

The 32 selected views of cities across Europe, the Middle East and the Americas document the executing artists’ high level of skill, attesting to their masterly use of brush, pen and coloured pencil. Also evident is their trained eye for the choice of...

to 12 January 2025

Herford, 德国

Kathrin Sonntag und Gabriele Münter – Das reisende Auge  

Erstmalig werden die Fotografien der Expressionistin Gabriele Münter (*1877 in Berlin, † 1962 in Murnau), die im Kreis des Blauen Reiter vor allem als Malerin bekannt ist, in der Heimatstadt ihrer Familie in Herford gezeigt. Das umfassende...

to 27 January 2025

Chicago, IL, 美國
General, Exhibitions

Germane Barnes: Columnar Disorder  

Chicago-born architect Germane Barnes explores the connections between identity and the built environment—using research, design, and activism to mine the social and political agency of architecture and uncover the spatial histories and futures of...

to 27 January 2025

Oklahoma City, OK, 美國
General, Exhibitions

Outré West: The American School of Architecture from Oklahoma to California  

Outré West: The American School of Architecture from Oklahoma to California considers the works of a group of architects who were educated and mentored in Oklahoma in the 1950s and 1960s, and later developed groundbreaking design practices in...

to 1 February 2025

San Francisco, CA, 美國
General, Exhibitions

The Vertical City  

The Vertical City, a new exhibition of tall buildings by Norman Foster and Foster + Partners opened at the newly refurbished Transamerica Pyramid.The skyscraper is emblematic of the modern age city and is a reminder that the city is arguably...

to 9 February 2025

Antwerp, 比利时
General, Exhibitions

Dogma: Urban Villa  

Architectural firm Dogma is known for its research into the evolution of housing in a rapidly changing society. In this exhibition, the architects take the urban villa as a starting point for the promotion of collective living.A new take on housing:...

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