Das markante Vordach markiert den Eingang des Universitätsklinikums Frankfurt
Photo © Werner Huthmacher
Mainseitige Ansicht des modernisierten Universitätsklinikums
Photo © Stefan Müller-Naumann
Eingangshalle des Uniklinikums mit Kunst am Bau
Photo © Stefan Müller-Naumann
Blick aus einem Innenhof auf die Bettenhausfassade
Photo © Werner Huthmacher
Magistrale im Zentralgebäude des Klinikums
Photo © Stefan Müller-Naumann
Blick in das Hörsaalgebäude
Photo © Stefan Müller-Naumann
Die interdisziplinären Forschungstürme, Haus 25 A + B
Photo © Werner Huthmacher

Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Clinic

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Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60596 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

In the 1970s the Frankfurt am Main university hospital was a state-of-the-art medical center. New demands and a changing attitude to medicine, which increasingly places the patient rather than medical technology at the center of hospital design, have necessitated the renovation and extension of this hospital. The main aim of the redevelopment plan was to modernize the hospital so that its structure and appearance adequately reflect Frankfurt’s achievements in the medical field, and so that the hospital meets the requirements of modern technology. The architects were also briefed to create clear structures and to consider long-term prospects for future development.

Other Projects by Nickl & Partner Architekten

Bürogebäude SUNYARD
München, Germany
Mutter-Kind- und OP-Zentrum, Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Spital Wien
Wien, Austria
Neubau Kantonsspital Baden (KSB)
Baden (CH), Switzerland
Centrum für Schlaganfall- und Demenzforschung am Klinikum Großhadern
München, Germany
Fraunhofer Clinical Research Center Hannover
Hannover, Germany