
1 month ago

Philippe Block heads the Institute for Technology in Architecture (ITA) at ETH Zurich. Together with the Professors Catherine De Wolf, Jacqueline Pauli and Walter Kaufmann, he has organised the IASS Symposium 2024, which is taking place at ETH Campus Hönggerberg. Philippe Block spoke with... Katinka Corts

on 7/2/24

Good lighting design should incorporate natural daylight wherever possible and supplement it with artificial lighting where needed for specific tasks. In the design of healthcare and nursing facilities, the partial or complete immobility of patients is an additional criterion that must be... Katinka Corts

on 6/5/24

Since it is so far from the city center, the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Siegen does not play a major role in the town of Siegen, Germany. The competition for the relocation of the faculty, which has now been decided, marks the start of a change. The aim: bring more life to... Katinka Corts

on 5/24/24

For this year's State Garden Show in Wangen im Allgäu, in Southern Germany, researchers from institutes in Stuttgart and dedicated craftsmen have planned and realized an accessible observation tower. The shape is familiar, but the height achieved is new. Katinka Corts

on 5/8/24

The Study Pavilion on the campus of the Technical University of Braunschweig, designed jointly by Berlin-based architects Gustav Düsing and Max Hacke, has been honored with the Katinka Corts

on 12/18/23

Variations on our reality are currently on display at the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum in Basel. The curators of “What if” have given a stage to entries from architectural competitions that will never be realized. It is a look into the past that is sad, albeit briefly, but with positive... Katinka Corts

on 8/30/23

In the special topic "Healing Architecture", we engage in discussions with important national and international experts about the criteria for creating high-quality environments in healthcare buildings. The topic will focus on the complex healthcare system, including such specialized... Katinka Corts

on 8/25/23

In the competition for the Residence of the German Embassy in Herzliya, Israel, the jury selected a joint design submitted by the three architectural firms: Gustav Düsing, wolff:architekten, and Architekten für nachhaltiges Bauen, with landscape design by emmerik garden design and research. Katinka Corts

on 7/26/23

The challenge of rethinking our built and future environment is a global one. Politician Margrethe Vestager and architect Bjarke Ingels engaged in a conversation on a UIA panel about the responsibility shared by all stakeholders in the construction industry, policymakers, and the general... Katinka Corts

on 7/17/23

During the first week in July, the World Congress of the International Union of Architects (UIA) took place in Denmark's capital. The focus of the discussions was the future-oriented and climate-friendly realignment of the construction industry in times of global warming. Katinka Corts

on 5/7/23

With the Asociación Semillas, which she founded, Marta Maccaglia supports projects for educational buildings in the Peruvian Amazon region and builds schools in settlements near Lima, among other endeavors. For her great commitment, she has received the inaugural divia award — a prize that... Katinka Corts

on 3/9/23

The divia award promotes the visibility of women in the international architecture industry. From the 27 nominees announced in December, the jury has selected five finalists. Katinka Corts

on 12/15/22

The goal of the Diversity in Architecture (DIVIA) association is to give female architects more visibility. An international architecture award is intended to help. The 27 nominees have now been presented. Katinka Corts

on 12/14/22

Natural materials are at the top of the list at Atelier Schmidt when it comes to new buildings and renovations. We talked to Paul Schmidt about the sense and benefits of... Katinka Corts

on 11/30/22

Circular construction — the avoidance of new material and the reuse of existing materials and components and their recycling — should be the order of the day. The WWF has conducted research on this topic and had its results examined in a brief legal study to see how realistic the... Katinka Corts

on 6/1/22

The Rotterdam Rooftop Walk is a temporary installation designed by MVRDV for Rotterdam Rooftop Days, giving visitors a different experience of the city from an "orange carpet" at a height of 30 meters. John Hill, Katinka Corts

on 4/8/22

Compared to their male colleagues, female architects still do not receive the recognition they deserve. Art historian Ursula Schwitalla and architect Christiane Fath are committed to increasing the visibility of women in the architectural profession, having founded the Katinka Corts

on 3/10/22

Anna Heringer has already developed projects in Bangladesh using updated traditional building methods, and she is currently implementing a school complex in Ghana. In our interview, she argues in favor of a political change of thinking towards truly sustainable action and construction in... Katinka Corts

on 2/9/22

"City of the future" is what we often read. Technologies are conjured up that will fundamentally change our lives in the future and reshape cities. This was cleverly put into perspective at the symposium The Future of Cities: Not for Granted, which took place in Leipzig at the end of... Katinka Corts

on 11/18/21

For a period of two weeks starting in late September, the Arc de Triomphe was only recognizable by its shape. Schlaich bergermann partner (sbp) implemented the wrapping project of the artist couple Christo and Jeanne-Claude in Paris. Katinka Corts spoke with Mike Schlaich on the engineering of... Katinka Corts

on 11/2/21

Is architecture able to heal? How can the working conditions of nursing staff be improved? And is this actually affordable? These were the issues discussed by experts at the roundtable "Organismus Krankenhaus nach Covid-19" (Organism of the Hospital after Covid-19) in Vienna on October 14th. Katinka Corts

on 10/6/21

The 17th Zurich Film Festival (ZFF) — an event where great films such as No Time to Die premiered, but also an opportunity for up-and-coming filmmakers to present their debut works as world premieres — wrapped up on October 3, 2021. The festival was held as a purely on-site event, with... Katinka Corts

on 7/7/21

June 20th marked the 70th anniversary of the Geneva Convention on Refugees coming into force. It offers millions of people protection and a life in safety — things that people who have not suffered war or displacement take for granted. To remember history, but also to perpetuate it, the... Katinka Corts

on 11/27/20

The biographies of architect Rudolf Hamburger and his wife Ursula are outstanding, since Rudolf’s journey through life brought him deep into Asia in 1930, while Ursula later worked for various secret services and finally as an author in the GDR under the name of Ruth Werner. Author Eduard... Katinka Corts

on 9/3/20

There exists a Niemeyer in Leipzig — not a landmark in the middle of the city center, but a small sphere appended to a former boiler house in the Plagwitz industrial area. Housing a restaurant and bar, it is the last structure Oscar Niemeyer designed before he died in December 2012 just shy of... John Hill, Katinka Corts

on 5/19/20

Dietmar Steiner was the founding director of the Architekturzentrum Wien, taught at the Vienna University of Applied Sciences, and was president of the International Confederation of Architecture Museums (ICAM). He died on Friday, May 15, at the age of 68. John Hill, Katinka Corts

on 10/22/19

On Monday, October 21, 2019, German industrial designer Ingo Maurer died at the age of 87. Maurer's designs of lamps and light installations are considered groundbreaking and are famous around the world. John Hill, Katinka Corts

on 4/24/19

It is the longest relationship they all have had, the owners of the office AllesWirdGut say sometimes jokingly about their partnership. It is 20 years since Ingrid Hora, Andreas Marth, Friedrich Passler, Herwig Spiegl, and Christian Waldner founded their architectural office. Herwig Spiegl... Katinka Corts

on 4/10/19

Last weekend the Bauhaus Museum, designed by Heike Hanada, opened to the public in Weimar, Germany. More than 1,000 design and art objects from the founding of the Bauhaus in 1919 to the school's move to Dessau in 1925 can be seen in the museum. John Hill, Katinka Corts

on 1/4/19

There is no way to get around the Bauhaus in 2019. Whether in the form of relaunched furniture series, numerous publications from architecture and art publishers, the ads of tour operators, or announcements of special shows and exhibitions, you will encounter it everywhere. This is an... Katinka Corts

on 12/18/18

It's been 20 years since Swiss-Architects launched as the first online country platform of A lot has happened since 1998. Today, under the umbrella of, 21 national and regional platforms actively present the work of architects and related... Katinka Corts

on 9/19/18

He builds mainly in Russia and Germany. He draws, exhibits, and publishes. Now he will be given this year's European Prize for Architecture by The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design. John Hill, Katinka Corts

on 1/18/18

Although work on the Marina One complex wrapped up last year, it was officially opened this week by Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong, and Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak. John Hill, Katinka Corts

on 9/22/16

Baubotanik, “Living Plant Construction,” is an artificial word – composed of the German words “Bau” (construction) and “Botanik” (botany) – and a method of constructing living buildings with living plants. We spoke with Ferdinand Ludwig, who has... Katinka Corts

on 6/3/16

At this year’s Architecture Biennale in Venice contributions at the Arsenale and many of the Giardini exhibitions deal with major topics like climate change, urbanization and dwindling resources, while other contributions, including Russia, remain very national. Katinka Corts

on 1/22/16

Rem Koolhaas and the Office for Metropolitan Architecture have unveiled their redesign of Berlin's historic Kaufhaus des Westens (KaDeWe), which makes the large department store comprehensible by breaking it into four quadrants, each with its own atrium. John Hill, Katinka Corts

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