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La Frasca

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c/ Vizcaya, 26200 Haro, Spanien

D’A · ZAHA HADID Architects (author) · IOA ·

Showroom building, and reception courtyard for visitors at winery Bodegas R. López de Heredia. 


As local architects, in collaboration with Zaha Hadid Arch., we have experimented with the design of architectural spaces, innovative structural solutions and new materials, which serve as a renewal reference for a centennial family winery. The result has added new values relating to the traditional culture of Vina Tondonia. The reception building, houses inside the primitive pavilion that Viña Tondonia showed in 1910's fair. The new modular container was initially conceived to participate in new fairs, and finally stands as a point of access for visitors to the winery .Both La Frasca and the exterior spaces, the new access to the cellar or the tasting rooms incorporate technologically innovative solutions that provide the visitor with a new approach to the winery, the experience of the wine and its landscapes.


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