
Alonso | Balaguer

Arenas de Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain, 2011

Barcelona sempre s'ha caracteritzat per la seva especial sensibilitat ciutadana i respecte cap al seu passat (cultural, històr...

Alonso | Balaguer

Tecnoparc - Exhibition and Congress Center

Reus, Tarragona, Spain, 2011

The first premise of the Project is the location of the Convention Center and its adjacent program, in order to arrange a great diaphanou...

Mamen Domingo | Ernest Ferré Arquitectes

Vila Rofes

Vila-Seca (Tarragona), Spain, 2007

Un pati central des de la planta baixa fins a la planta coberta articula totes les estances de la vivenda, de forma que les visuals cread...

Mamen Domingo | Ernest Ferré Arquitectes

Exposició BiblioTec. Cent anys d’estudis i…

Barcelona, Spain, 2015

El muntatge de l’exposició busca, doncs, una imatge el més contemporània possible on el públic pugui copsar l’atmòsfera d’aquesta forta t...

Mamen Domingo | Ernest Ferré Arquitectes

Exposicions al Caixaforum

Barcelona i Madrid, Spain, 2015

La col·laboració amb “Fundació La Caixa” ens ha portat a col·laborar amb institucions de prestigi...

Mamen Domingo | Ernest Ferré Arquitectes

Vila Silvia

Reus, Spain, 2003

La casa es planteja des de la construcció d’un límit que subdividia la peça habitada per una part de la família. El límit es construeix ...

Mamen Domingo | Ernest Ferré Arquitectes

Villa Maite

Reus, Spain, 2000

La presència d’un avellaner a la parcel•la i el poema "In Memoriam" de Gabriel Ferrater donen les pautes per la configuració dels espais ...

Mamen Domingo | Ernest Ferré Arquitectes

Exposicions a "la Seu Vella"

Lleida, Spain, 2010

La col·laboració entre la "Fundació La Caixa" i El Consorci del Turó de la seu Vella de Lleida, ha estat molt important per a nosaltres j...

Forgas Arquitectes

Rehabilitació del Teatre Kursaal

Manresa, Barcelona, Spain, 2007

L’antic Kursaal de Manresa, inaugurat l’any 1927, va funcionar com a teatre i posteriorment com a cinema fins el 1988...

C+S Architects

Harbor Brain Building

Venice, Italy, 2014

HBB architectural design intercepts the atmosphere of the Venice Arsenale: a sequence of void spaces temporararily occupied by objects (t...

Brullet de Luna

Cèntric Centre Cultural

El Prat del Llobregat (Barcelona), Spain, 2010

Brullet de Luna

Reforma de la Nau Gaudí

Mataró (Barcelona), Spain, 2008

Estudi D'Arquitectura Toni Gironès

Pavellons d'accés a l'espai natural i…

Montornès del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain, 2012

A l’entorn natural del "Turó de les Tres Creus", envoltat d’un entorn metropolità molt fragmentat i v...

2gv sensibilidad patrimonial

Gestió i manteniment de la seu del centre…

Barcelona, Spain, 2012

Dosgeuvearquitectura col·labora habitualment en la gestió d'immobles i patrimonis d'elevada complexitat tècn...

Plasma Studio

Wuxi Low-Carbon Exhibition Centre

Wuxi, China, 2012-2014-

The inspiration for the Low-Carbon Exhibition Centre stems from geology: carbon is a product of intense geological forces and processes, ...

Mateo Arquitectura

Centre cultural

Castelo Branco, Portugal, 2013

La plaça és una superfície, una topografia traçada en relació amb el moviment de l'aigua i constru...

XNF Arquitectes

Re-Viure els Barris

Barcelona, Spain, 2001

The project faces a double challenge: On the one hand to sort, to present and to provoke the interaction between the viewer and a great a...

XNF Arquitectes

Cripta FAD

Barcelona, Spain, 2002

Safeguarding the memory and the capacity of self-criticism are qualities which are unusual but at the same time basic for any centenary i...

BOPBAA Arquitectura

LAUS Awards

Barcelona, Spain, 2006

The LAUS night is an exhibition act and delivery of graphic design, advertisement and audiovisual awards that every year is organize...


Conservation Hall at the Tennessee Governor's…

Nashville, TN, USA, 2010

The historic governor’s mansion in Nashville, Tennessee, was in dire need of an expansion to accommodate the various events hosted ...

René Schmid Architekten AG

Kompetenzzentrum für Nachhaltigkeit -…

Spreitenbach, Switzerland, 2012

Auftraggeber: Umwelt Arena Schweiz AG Leistungsumfang: Strategische Planung, Vorstudie, Projektierung, Gestalterische Begleitung Nutzfläc...



Yangzhou, China, 2013

Location of the project: Wantou village of Yanzhou, has been famous for its tradition of Jade carving. Local government planed to turn...

OMA - Office for Metropolitan Architecture

Shanghai LuJiaZui Exhibition Centre

Shanghai, China, 2015

The Lujiazui Exhibiton Centre is located on the northern and most recent development of Shanghai Pudong, along the Huangpu River, one of ...


The headquarters of the National Arts…

Bucharest, Romania

The compound comprises 3 buildings, two existing ones (one of them being Robescu House, a heritage building) and a new proposed construct...

Philip Kistner

Bochum awaits me

Bochum, Germany, 2014

Ruhig, grafisch, einladend ­im wahrsten Sinne abwartend präsentieren sich die Fotografien der Edition “Bochum awaits me” von Philip Kistn...


Augustinermuseum BA 2

Freiburg i. Br., Germany, 2015

Das Augustinermuseum ist ein Kulturdenkmal besonderer Bedeutung und prägt die Freiburger Altstadt. Es ist ein national bedeutendes kunst-...

Rob Mothershed [Architects]

Museum X

City X , Finland

Rob Mothershed [Architects]

Budapest - Hungary - Contemporary Museum

Budapest, Hungary

Rob Mothershed [Architects]


Taichung , China

The direction and forces of nature remain illusive. Man cannot predict how the earths layers will fold and meld. The next major sets of c...

Rob Mothershed [Architects]

Kinmen Passenger Ferry Terminal

Kinmen , China

The ancient village of China and Taiwan has a new planning paradigm. The new waterfront site (designed by AECOM, working with JihYuehChen...

Rob Mothershed [Architects]

TPAC - Taipei Pefroming Arts Center

Taipei, China

The new performing art center attempted to create a rich gathering of massive program areas. There are three theatres that share an inter...

Rob Mothershed [Architects]

LAp Dancer

Los Angeles - CA, USA

The call for entries is a urban design palace that formalises how human need rituals and how rituals can make new space. The city needs g...

Rob Mothershed [Architects]

MOD - Museum of Deconstruction

Los Angeles - CA, USA, 2011

The M.O.D is a small event space that became an exhibition of webbing and programming a fluid skin and structure. The intensive rough cla...

Dr. Lüchinger+Meyer Bauingenieure AG

Diagonal Gebäude Maag-Areal

Zürich, Switzerland, 2010

Im Zuge der umfangreichen Neugestaltung des Maag-Areals in Zürich West wurde das charakteristische, denkmalgeschützte Industriegebäude Di...

Platform for Architecture + Research

Piraeus Antiquities Museum

Piraeus, Athens, Greece

The new Antiquities Museum of Piraeus is conceived through a spatial inversion, this industrial typology is reinvented as a cultural dest...

Platform for Architecture + Research

Padiglione Italia Expo 2015

Milan, Italy, 2013

An ambitious master plan for Expo 2015 was developed to revitalize an industrial zone outside the city of Milan. In the spirit of...

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